Serge Kahili King
Huna à la source d'Ho'oponopono :
Les 7 lois spirituelles
Ce livre vous invite à être un chaman d'aujourd'hui, dans votre ville, votre quartier, votre village, votre bureau, grâce à la sagesse hawaïenne Huna. Celle-ci, à la source d'Ho'oponopono, préconise le «chemin de l'aventurier» qui induit l'amour et la coopération, à l'inverse du «chemin du guerrier», qui insiste sur la quête solitaire et la conquête par le pouvoir.
Pour tous ceux qui souhaitent intégrer dans leur vie le pouvoir du chaman, ce livre offre des techniques de méditation, de concentration, de création de rituels.
Il vous apprend à vivre au quotidien avec de nouveaux modes de perception, intégrant notamment celui de vivre en toute conscience de son pouvoir de créateur dans le monde d'aujourd'hui.
Sept lois spirituelles fortes issues de sages guérisseurs jalonneront votre parcours de lecture, notamment la dernière, «Pono (l'efficience est la mesure de la vérité)», qui remet Ho oponopono dans son contexte spirituel et lui donne encore plus de sens et de force. Appliquer ces lois spirituelles universelles vous seront bénéfiques pour harmoniser votre corps, amorcer le changement, apaiser votre monde et accroître votre énergie créatrice.
Cette méthode issue d'anciennes techniques de guérison de soi vise aussi à améliorer votre relation avec les autres.
«Ce livre magnifique et très pratique vous dévoile des enseignements forts sur vos relations avec le monde naturel et l'univers. Ces pages de sagesse m'ont inspiré car elles peuvent illuminer notre chemin de vie».
Dan Millman, auteur de Le guerrier pacifique
«L'approche hawaïenne traditionnelle de guérison et de rituels de bénédiction du docteur King est particulièrement respectueuse et mérite toute notre attention».
Louis Hay, auteur de Transformez votre vie
Serge Kahili King, est titulaire d'un doctorat en psychologie de la California Western University, San Diego. Il a étudié le chamanisme avec de grands maîtres, partout dans le monde, depuis l'Afrique jusqu'à Hawaï. Il anime de nombreux stages pour apprendre à appliquer cette sagesse ancestrale dans la vie quotidienne.
Der Stadt-Schamane
Obwohl Schamanismus eher an wilde Gegenden denken lässt, sollte die praktische Ausübung dieser Lehren auch in den großen Städten natürlich sein, denn unabhängig vom kulturellen oder geographischen Umfeld ist der Schamane vor allem ein Heiler. Heute leben mehr Menschen in der Stadt und in Ballungszentren als auf dem Lande. Gerade diese Stadtmenschen aber bedürfen der Heilung am meisten. In diesem umfassenden Handbuch zu Huna lernen Sie, Ihre Träume zu deuten und zu verändern, sich selbst, Ihre Beziehungen und Ihre Umgebung zu heilen, kraftvolle Rituale durchzuführen, auf Visionssuche zu gehen und in andere Wirklichkeiten einzutreten.
Ancient Hawaiian Secrets for Modern Living
The ancient wisdom of Hawai’i has been guarded for centuries—handed down through line of kinship to form the tradition of Huna. Dating back to the time before the first missionary presence arrived in the islands, the tradition of Huna is more than just a philosophy of living—it is intertwined and deeply connected with every aspect of Hawaiian life.
Blending ancient Hawaiian wisdom with modern practicality, Serge Kahili King imparts the philosophy behind the beliefs, history, and foundation of Huna. More important, King shows readers how to use Huna philosophy to attain both material and spiritual goals. To those who practice Huna, there is a deep understanding about the true nature of life—and the real meaning of personal power, intention, and belief. Through exploring the seven core principles around which the practice revolves, King passes onto readers a timeless and powerful wisdom.
Mastering Your Hidden Self:
A Guide to the Huna Way
Huna philosophy is about learning to become a conscious cocreator with the Universe. Hawaiian shaman King uses Kahuna healing methods to help us access the hidden energy of life, develop powers of concentration, and make friends with the deepest aspect of our being. Learn how your Higher Self, or aumakua, is contacted in the dream dimension. Get in touch with the Mana, the hidden energy of life. Develop higher powers of concentration by utilizing the tikis, created images of sight, sound, and feeling in meditation. Become aware of your subconscious, an integral part of your being, which impatiently awaits communion with the ego.
Urban Shaman
Now, even if you can't get out into the wilderness or undertake a long apprenticeship, you can learn to practice the art of shamanism.
Uniquely suited for use in today's world, Hawaiian shamanism follows the way of the adventurer, which produces change through love and cooperation - in contrast to the widely known way of the warrior, which emphasizes solitary quests and conquest by power.
Here, in the first practical guide to applying this ancient healing art to our modern lives, you'll learn how to:
-Interpret and change your dreams
-Heal yourself, your relationships, and the environment
-Cast the shaman stones to foretell the future
-Design and perform powerful rituals
-Make vision quests to other realities
Changing Reality:
Huna Practices to Create the Life You Want
"Reality is experience, and experience is reality," says Hawaiian shaman Serge King, speaking of Huna, the esoteric tradition in which he was reared.King emphasizes that all of us have the ability to shift from one world to another. The difference is that shamans do it purposefully, while the rest of us are unaware of it. He trains us to engage in the process consciously in order to expand our human potential. Among books on Huna, this one is unique for offering actual practices for changing our reality to create the life we want. In a user-friendly, conversational style, King's chapters explain the four worlds of a shaman and basic Huna principles. Then, citing case studies, he guides us in how to change reality in each of the four worlds, bringing in ESP, telepathy, the perception of auras, telekinesis, dreaming, magical flight, and, finally, soul retrieval and the great power of healing. "It sounds simple," says King, "and it is. The most difficult part is to accept the simplicity, because that means changing one's idea about what reality is. And that's what this book is all about."
Kahuna Healing
Serge King, Hawaiian shaman, believes in the power of individuals to heal themselves or others. He says that emotions can heal or hurt, and when used as a positive force, their healing power can be stupendous. King sets forth the ancient Hawaiian tradition of Huna--a holistic health program involving the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of human beings.
Dangerous Journeys
This is a fictional "teaching story" by Serge Kahili King, author of Instant Healing, Kahuna Healing, and Urban Shaman, which pits two Hawaiian shamans against a psychic assassin and her accomplices in a modern action-adventure that ranges from Hawaii to Europe and back again.